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Health Insurance Today: A Practical Approach, 2e, by Janet I. Beik AA BA MEd
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Learn to confidently complete and submit health insurance claims with this proven, practice-based approach! Realistic examples, case studies, and application exercises simplify the health insurance billing process and help you learn interactively. Instructional content is broken down into segments for easier learning, with a straightforward, conversational writing style that makes the material accessible and understandable. Accompanied by a companion CD with step-by-step claim form guidance, this easy-to-read resource is your key to mastering health insurance concepts and obtaining maximum reimbursement for your health care facility.
- An engaging, conversational writing style makes difficult concepts easier to grasp.
- Discussion questions and in-class activities presented throughout each chapter ease learning by breaking material into more manageable segments and reinforcing key points.
- Compliance tips alert you to important federal and state regulations.
- Real-world examples present complex concepts in a realistic, practice-based context similar to what you’ll encounter on the job.
- Review and application exercises, including real-world case studies, critical thinking exercises, role-playing exercises, and collaborative learning activities, help you assess your knowledge and understand how to apply what you’ve learned to practice.
- Key term definitions and learning objectives streamline the learning process and familiarize you with important terminology and concepts.
- A companion CD reinforces your understanding and guides you interactively through the completion of insurance claims.
- An Evolve Resources website links you to additional information for further study and review.
- Updated claim form information familiarizes you with the current CMS-1500 (08-05) claim form for the most accurate billing and coding.
- Sales Rank: #3218885 in Books
- Published on: 2008-11-17
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: .80" h x 8.40" w x 10.70" l, 2.35 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 528 pages
Most helpful customer reviews
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Great book for health professionals...
By Amazon Customer
This is a great book for learning the ins and outs of the insurance companies. It also goes over coding and billing. We are using this book now in our Medical Assisting class and this book makes it easier to learn.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
She has updated her well written comprehensive coverage.
By Bill
Ms. Beik has written a useful introduction to the field and has covered it exceptionally well. This book is well worth the investment.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Quick delivery. Item as described.
By Takashi Fujimoto
I needed any freshman level book that covers basics of health insurance because I just started to work for an insurance company as a software developer. This book helped me to understand the specification. I didn't need to read some chapters, The book is well written and I can read quickly what I need to know..
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Health Insurance Today: A Practical Approach, 2e, by Janet I. Beik AA BA MEd Kindle
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