Sabtu, 20 Desember 2014

@ Get Free Ebook The Sectional Anatomy Learning System: Concepts and Applications 2-Volume Set, 3e, by Edith Applegate MS

Get Free Ebook The Sectional Anatomy Learning System: Concepts and Applications 2-Volume Set, 3e, by Edith Applegate MS

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The Sectional Anatomy Learning System: Concepts and Applications 2-Volume Set, 3e, by Edith Applegate MS

The Sectional Anatomy Learning System: Concepts and Applications 2-Volume Set, 3e, by Edith Applegate MS

The Sectional Anatomy Learning System: Concepts and Applications 2-Volume Set, 3e, by Edith Applegate MS

Get Free Ebook The Sectional Anatomy Learning System: Concepts and Applications 2-Volume Set, 3e, by Edith Applegate MS

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The Sectional Anatomy Learning System: Concepts and Applications 2-Volume Set, 3e, by Edith Applegate MS

Designed to provide a thorough understanding of sectional anatomy, this unique, two-volume set is a complete, easy-to-use learning package. Volume 1, “Concepts,” presents detailed, readable descriptions of sectional anatomy of the entire body broken down into body systems. It focuses on how different structures within a system are related, so you can form a clear picture of how everything fits together. The text is highlighted with many new labeled diagnostic images, including radiographs, CT, MR, and sonograms. Volume 2, “Applications,” is an interactive workbook with coloring, labeling, and other exercises designed to help you identify the structures most commonly encountered in various imaging techniques.

  • Helpful features include: chapter outlines, chapter objectives, pathology boxes, summary tables of anatomical information, review questions, chapter quizzes, and a glossary.
  • Interactive exercises include labeling, anatomical coloring, short answer questions, and “Chapter Recall” tests.
  • Many more labeled, high-quality images, including MRI, CT and sonography help you learn anatomy using real-life images you’ll see in clinics and in practice.
  • Quick Check Questions test your understanding of the material as you progress through the chapters.
  • Important Anatomical Relationships section describes relationships between anatomical structures and refers you to relevant images.
  • Working with Images sections in each body system chapter provide additional discussion and diagnostic images, helping you learn to identify anatomical structures with a variety of imaging modalities.
  • List of Key Terms at the beginning of each chapter alert you to the terms you need to watch for before you read.
  • More exercises with diagnostic images in the Applications volume, giving additional opportunities to identify and label anatomic structures on actual images.
  • Answers to all Quick Check questions are given in the back of the book, allowing for immediate feedback; answers to the other questions and exercises are available online on Evolve.
  • Evolve Online Resources contains images of cadaver sections, allowing you to see anatomy related to the line drawings in the book.

  • Sales Rank: #65821 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Saunders
  • Published on: 2009-03-12
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 2
  • Dimensions: 1.00" h x 8.40" w x 10.80" l, 3.15 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 608 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

Most helpful customer reviews

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
not so great
By t123
There is alot of information. It is a good review for anatomy but, the diagrams are very confusing. I read other consumer reviews before I had to purchase for a class and thought " oh, it cant be that bad." Well, it is. If you have any say in what books to choose from, try to find something else.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
By Joy
I purchased this E-book in May of 2015. This is probably a great learning tool. However, when I downloaded it, only the Concepts book downloaded. I called Amazon and talked to their support team. They said the publisher had not cleared the Applications book for download (even though I paid almost $100 for it!). Amazon support said they were going to take the option to purchase the E-book off of their site until the publisher cleared it for download AND that as soon as the publisher did, I would be able to download it. It is now July. I am halfway through the class on this and still don't have the E-book, YET THEY'RE STILL SELLING IT!!!

I am a loyal customer of Amazon, but this has really really upset me. I finally decided to write a review so no one else makes the same mistake I did in purchasing this E-book.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
mediocre at best
By Enter name here
(Not sure how "new kaki fan" got there. hmmm).
The negative reviews written previously are a fairly good assessement of this book. I took this course in prep for MRI and even the teacher admitted that she's tried a variety of texts and none are perfect. I think she picked this book because it comes with workbook and at first glance, appears to be geared toward students trying to memorize as little as possible in a short time. Thankfully, she recorded her lectures, complete with slideshow, which students could review on the web. She wanted us to largely pay attention to her lecture. The text in this book isn't bad - there are alot of good things, but then there are some problems. Probably was bothered me the most was the drawings as there is a destinct lack of consistancy from one drawing to the next. I just accepted it as being impossible to draw anatomy with more consistancy as everyone is a little different. Let's face it, cross-sectional isn't easy. When you find yourself guessing where the portable vein is after studying it thoroughly, you realize that a book can only provide so much. In the end, we didn't use the book at all. I spent more time studying the larger atlases at my school library. Those were great, especially the one by Dr. Frank Netter.

See all 26 customer reviews...

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@ Get Free Ebook The Sectional Anatomy Learning System: Concepts and Applications 2-Volume Set, 3e, by Edith Applegate MS Doc

@ Get Free Ebook The Sectional Anatomy Learning System: Concepts and Applications 2-Volume Set, 3e, by Edith Applegate MS Doc
@ Get Free Ebook The Sectional Anatomy Learning System: Concepts and Applications 2-Volume Set, 3e, by Edith Applegate MS Doc

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